BookPolicy Manual Section5000 Students TitleSTUDENT ACCIDENTS Codepo5340 StatusActive AdoptedAugust 1, 2007



The Board of Education believes that school personnel have certain responsibilities in case of accidents which occur in school. Those responsibilities extend to the administration of first aid by trained personnel, summoning of medical assistance, notification of administrative personnel, notification of parents, and the filing of accident reports.


Employees should administer first aid within the limits of their knowledge of recommended practices. All employees should make an effort to increase their understanding of the proper steps to be taken in the event of an accident.


It should be noted that in West Virginia, no person, including a person licensed to practice medicine or dentistry, who in good faith renders emergency care at the scene of an accident or to a victim at the scene of a crime, without remuneration, shall be liable for any civil damages as the result of any act or omission in rendering such emergency care.


The Superintendent shall develop administrative guidelines to include the reporting of accidents, when appropriate.

Legal55-7-15, Code of West Virginia

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